Oct 23th, 2023

Design Thinking: From Complex Problems to People-Centered Solutions

Autor de la nota
Stephanie Cabrera

2 min read

Design Thinking: From Complex Problems to People-Centered Solutions

It's no secret that in our era, innovation is the cornerstone of business success and growth. In this landscape, you've likely heard the term "Design Thinking", an innovative approach that is transforming the resolution of complex problems by placing people at the heart of the equation.

Why has this strategy become so necessary?

Innovation, as we know it, rests on the twin pillars of novelty and utility. However, novelty alone is insufficient. What good is a groundbreaking idea if it doesn't resonate with the people it aims to serve? This is where Design Thinking comes into play, providing innovation with the essential upgrade it needs to deliver solutions that are not only novel but also meaningful and impactful.

In this article, we will delve into the world of Design Thinking, unraveling its fundamental principles, and exploring how it can revolutionize problem-solving in the business domain.

¿What is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is a problem-solving methodology focused on people's real needs and pain points, offering a quick, simple, and iterative solution. This is why we like to employ this strategy in our projects, conceiving potential value propositions that serve as key inputs for defining a strategic move.

The use of this system fosters divergent thinking and challenges established paradigms. It cultivates alignment and empowerment within the organization, encouraging empathetic thinking and facilitating the creation of user-centered solutions.

Design Thinking enables your team to effectively identify various archetypes and uncover the elements each archetype values, based on their pains and expectations.

What sets design thinking apart from other creative and idea-generation approaches is its focus on the solution and the needs of people rather than the problem itself. This means actively seeking solutions to improve the user experience.

What's its Utility?

This tool serves, first and foremost, to gain a deep understanding of a company or business's current situation. To achieve this, it's necessary to apply a methodology that allows understanding the context, which plays a crucial role in addressing a range of challenges.

Innovators are often overwhelmed by the volume of qualitative data and its lack of structure. This is where design thinking comes into action by organizing this data into themes and patterns, providing a fresh perspective full of ideas and possibilities.

Once you have detailed contextual information, you can properly analyze the starting point to work and visualize the challenges you face. The next stage is the validation of archetypes and the creation of an empathy map, complemented by the As-is scenario.

With this stage complete, you move on to the next level: Ideating the future. This involves outlining customer needs, mapping the To-be scenario, and reflection and closing of the session.

It's an iterative and non-linear process consisting of five phases:

1. Empathize

2. Define

3. Ideate

4. Prototype

5. Test.

You can carry out these stages in parallel, repeat them, and return to a previous stage at any point in the process.

Design thinking becomes a common language when translating ideas into design criteria, facilitating the convergence of the innovation team around what truly matters to users. This is where Design Thinking shines, encouraging the emergence of new ideas through focused research and leading the team toward a diverse but limited set of potential solutions.

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No such thing as foolish questions!

Design Thinking challenges the status quo, urging us to question the obvious and venture into uncharted territory. It motivates us to think outside the box. When we question what we take for granted, what is accepted by the majority as the established order, we reveal hidden opportunities.

The "obvious" is often a veil concealing underlying complexities that need to be unraveled. Through the seemingly simple act of asking "foolish" questions, we can break free from conventional wisdom and breathe new life into our problem-solving processes.

Design thinking reminds us that innovation is not just about experience; it's about daring to ask what others might dismiss as ignorant or trivial. It's disruptors who sometimes reveal the profound insights.

This iterative approach constantly urges us to question our preconceived paradigms and acquire knowledge throughout the process. By doing so, we can identify alternative solutions and strategies that may elude our initial understanding.

In today's business world, Design Thinking has become essential for effective problem-solving and creating solutions that resonate with people, making it a valuable asset for any business or individual seeking to implement disruption and address complex challenges.

Sources: Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business School & Interaction Design Foundation.

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