By Raven

Celebrating together with our clients the creation and capture of new value for their organizations powered by disruption

Transforming Water Supply Services

Redefining the Agbar Cataluña Experience

From a transactional experience with low brand recall to a memorable, high-engagement experience, disrupting the water supply sector.

Funeral marketplace disruption

Farewell Planning Made Easy

Afterlife is a digital platform revolutionizing the traditional, costly, and opaque funeral industry. It offers a comprehensive and empathetic solution for end-of-life planning, giving individuals control over their decisions during difficult times. In just 2 weeks, 4 prototypes were created and tested, with 9 out of 10 customers providing positive feedback.

Enhancing digital points exchange in Brazil

Loyalty LATAM Pass Brasil

The Brazilian points exchange market thrives with brands and banks facilitating loyalty program exchanges. LATAM's miles system in Brazil enhances loyalty's tangibility, prompting consultancy in Chile's "Non-Air Redemption" management to revitalize digital points exchange amid stagnation.

Evolving the Investment Value Proposition

Revolutionizing Investment: Simplifying for New Investors

Focused on revitalizing and evolving the Value Proposition of investments through simplification and the introduction of attractive products for mass segments (with high growth potential) that have been underserved and do not identify with the solutions offered by the Brokerage.

Personalized and Gamified Investment

Simplified Investment: The New Era for the Mass Affluent in Mexico

A leading investment management company in Mexico faced the challenge of developing and launching a powerful and disruptive value proposition for the Mass Affluent segment. This segment, historically underserved by both fintech companies and established players in the Mexican industry, presented a unique opportunity and a strategic challenge. The aim was to create significant value for both clients and the business within this specific market context.

Evolution of the business for the world's largest retail bank

Creating a New Value Proposition for Savings & Retirement Plans

Project focused on promoting private savings for retirement in Spain; a country with high regulatory uncertainty, an expected decline in replacement rates, a growing aging population, coupled with the current offering focusing on products rather than solutions. We approached the challenge differently, shifting from a product/channel focus to a focus on addressing customer needs.

Launch of a Differentiating Value Proposition in Debit

Creating Value in Debit Cards: Multichannel Strategy and Personalized Experience

Mexico has a rapidly evolving banking and financial services market, characterized by increasing digital penetration and regulations promoting both innovation and financial inclusion. The country has seen a rise in the adoption of financial technologies (fintech) and digital solutions, driven by factors such as high smartphone penetration and a young, technologically savvy population.

Creating and launching the Mexico's first NeoBank

Now Bank

INVEX Banco, an institution focused on specialized financial solutions, and Raven, a leader in strategic innovation, shared a bold vision: to disrupt the financial market by designing a new value proposition centered around the Centennial generation. The pandemic served as a catalyst for this strategic collaboration. INVEX and Raven recognized the opportunity not only to enhance the customer experience but also to create and capture unprecedented value. Through a comprehensive market analysis and a deep understanding of people's desires and challenges, the compelling need to completely redefine the personal banking industry emerged, with a focus on the dynamic and growing Millennial/Centennial segment in Mexico.

Reinventing Shopping Mall Experience

Parque Arauco

We accompanied Parque Arauco, a relevant player in the retail industry in LATAM, in adopting new ways of working to positively influence the experience of its customers, generating business for the company at a cross-functional level.

Accelerating credit card sales in Mexico

Digital Acceleration Program

At Raven, we successfully increased Banco Invex's credit card sales by 880%, elevating its position in the Mexican market from 25th to 6th in credit card issuance in just three years. We achieved a final CPA reduction of -75% compared to the original CPA before the project's initiation.

Empowering Sales at TELCO: Unleashing the Power of Data


In a disruptive context, Entel sought to elevate customer satisfaction and sales. Faced with the challenge of boosting sales within the existing customer base, the sales team's capacity was maxed out. To address user needs, a project delved into studying and segmenting the Chilean market. A tailored sales funnel was crafted for personalized sales experiences.

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