Sep 25th, 2023

Successful Marketing Channels: How to Choose Wisely in 4 Steps

Autor de la nota
Phillippe Duclos

4 min read

Successful Marketing Channels: How to Choose Wisely in 4 Steps

By Raven

Having the right combination of channels is crucial to ensure the success of your product as a multi-channel owner. If we don't prioritize correctly, we run the risk of sticking with the familiar, even if it's not effective with our audience. We dive into an endless cycle of adjusting spending and over-optimizing individual channels without seeing the big picture.

Here are 4 steps to help you prioritize your marketing channels and achieve groundbreaking results!

Step 0: Define and Understand Your Goal - What do you want to achieve?

Before choosing the channels, you must clearly define your marketing goals. These may include increasing sales, generating leads, improving brand awareness, or boosting social media engagement. Quantify these objectives so you can measure your success.

Step 1: Narrow the Consideration Field

Evaluate the suitability of each channel based on their distinctive characteristics: Usage: Is your target audience on this channel? Context: Is it the most conducive environment for our business? Intent: Why do users come to this channel, and what kind of content do they expect? Growth Model: How much impact does this channel have on our growth? Metrics: What key performance indicators (KPIs) does this channel move? If a channel doesn't meet these attributes, it's best to remove it from your consideration list.

Step 2: Build a Priority List

Time and resources are limited, so it's important to set priorities. Create a list that ranks channels from most to least important based on the estimated return on investment period. Focus on short-term returns.

Step 3: Categorize Your Priority List

Divide your initial list into these four categories: Always active: Short-term ROI, low risk. Test and learn: Short-term ROI, high risk. Long-term investment: Long-term ROI, long-term impact. Less prioritized channels: Long-term ROI, low long-term impact.

Step 4: Evaluate Interdependencies

Identify connections between your selected channels to maximize return on investment. Analyze how they complement and enhance each other.

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