Nov 21, 2022

Storytelling: the magic of telling good stories

Autor de la nota
Karla Vargas

2 min read

Storytelling: the magic of telling good stories

Surely when we were kids, more than once we fell asleep with a story that began with “once upon a time”, and surely our first essays studying had some introduction and/or presentation of the topic.

So here are some tips that will help us to tell the story of our brand or product in a simpler way.

To begin with, what is Storytelling?

The art of storytelling
A technique to connect with the audience
“Creating an atmosphere around an idea”
A narrative

What is NOT storytelling?

It is not about the storyteller, but about the listener
It is a demonstration, not an explanation: “SHOW, DON’T TELL”
Something abstract

If we go back to its history, the emergence and golden time of advertising during the 50’s — 70’s under the concept of “persuasion”, were the first records of the importance of good stories for a brand.

Before launching into telling a good story:

What audience do you want to reach?
What is the truth of the product, what differentiates it from others?
What problems does the brand encounter in its market?
What is the objective of the operation, to inform, to seduce, to convince?
What is expected from the public?
What is the message you want to convey?

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Tips to get started:

Find the use value of your content:
What do your customers expect? What problem do they need to solve?
- Start with small ideas and then think big.
- Think of content as a pedagogical tool.
- Find a concept for your brand mission, for example:
Uber, find your way.
Google: organize the world’s information.
Airbnb: Create a world where we feel at home.

Three acts and seven stages to tell a good story

1. Draw a scene and end by introducing a voice.
2. The second act has the action itself 3.
3. The last act finishes off the story

And the seven stages…

Once upon a time
Every day
But one day
For that reason
For that reason
Until at last
And since that day
What would you say is essential to a good story? A good CTA, which allows you to hook the audience with your story.

Some literature recommendations in case you want to get into this:
- Storytelling as a communication tool by Guillaume Lamarre.
- Storytelling With Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

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