Jul 12, 2023

How marketing managers can leverage artificial intelligence without falling behind.

Autor de la nota
Stephanie cabrera

4 min read

How marketing managers can leverage artificial intelligence without falling behind.

By Raven

In the current digital era, artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the way businesses approach their brand strategies. However, the overwhelming array of AI-based solutions can be daunting for marketing managers. In this article, as business disruption-focused consultants, we aim to share practical tips for marketing executives to tackle these challenges and find differentiation and value proposition among the numerous companies offering AI consultancy. Our goal is to assist them in generating measurable and meaningful impact on their clients.

1. Understanding the needs of your brand:

Before diving into the wide range of available AI solutions, it is crucial to understand the specific needs of your brand. Evaluate your business objectives, identify current challenges, and determine which marketing problems AI can effectively address.

2. Focusing on relevance and value:

Amidst the overwhelming array of AI solutions, it is important to focus on the relevance and value that each company can offer. Research providers thoroughly and evaluate how their approach and expertise align with your needs and strategic goals.

3. Analyzing success cases and references:

To ensure that you are making the right decision, examine success cases and client references from AI providers. This will give you a clear understanding of their track record and how they have assisted other brands in similar situations to yours.

4. Seeking personalized approach and adaptability:

The differentiation in the field of AI lies in the ability to provide a personalized approach and an adaptable solution for your brand. Look for providers who can tailor their technology to your specific needs and offer ongoing support to ensure long-term success.

5. Measuring real impact:

As a value-driven consultant, it is essential to seek providers that offer metrics and tools to measure the real impact of AI on your marketing plans. This will enable you to evaluate return on investment and make strategic adjustments to optimize results.

6. Staying updated and continuously adapting:

AI is a rapidly evolving field, so it is crucial for marketing managers to stay updated on the latest trends and advancements. Be willing to adapt as new technologies and approaches emerge, and ensure that your providers are also committed to continuous innovation.It is important to highlight some examples of solutions that AI can offer to marketing areas. These solutions can help marketing managers optimize their strategies and generate a greater impact on their brand plans.

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Some examples below:

• AI can analyze large volumes of customer data and provide real-time personalized recommendations. This enables marketing professionals to offer content, products, or services tailored to each customer's individual needs, thereby enhancing the customer experience and increasing brand loyalty.

• Emotional reaction and opinion analysis: AI can analyze and understand emotional reactions and opinions expressed on social media, customer feedback, and other data sources. This helps marketing managers to gain a better understanding of brand perception and tailor their strategies based on the obtained insight.

• Optimization of digital advertising: AI can automate and enhance the efficiency of digital advertising campaigns. It can perform real-time analysis, identify patterns, and automatically adjust advertising strategies to achieve marketing objectives more effectively.

• AI can assist in creating and generating relevant and engaging content. It can analyze data, trends, and customer preferences to offer content ideas, write texts, or even generate visual content such as images or videos.

• Price optimization and demand forecasting: AI can analyze historical and real-time data to optimize product or service prices, considering factors such as demand, competition, and customer preferences. Additionally, it can provide accurate demand forecasts, aiding marketing managers in making informed decisions regarding product offerings and promotions.

These are just a few examples of how AI can be leveraged by marketing professionals. It is important to note that each brand and situation will require customized solutions tailored to their specific needs. By working with reliable AI providers focused on generating measurable value, marketing managers can find the right solutions to address challenges and differentiate themselves in the modern market.

Within the vast array of available tools, we have selected some that can assist you in addressing the aforementioned points: 

1. Customer experience personalization

• Salesforce Einstein: Provides AI-based personalization and recommendation capabilities to enhance the customer experience.

• Optimizely: Enables A/B testing and dynamic website personalization using machine learning algorithms.

2. Emotional reaction  and opinion analysis:

• Brandwatch: Provides sentiment analysis on social media and AI-based brand reputation monitoring.

• Lexalytics: Offers text analysis and natural language processing to understand customer opinions.

3. Optimization of digital advertising:

• Google Ads Smart Bidding: Utilizes machine learning algorithms to optimize bidding in Google Ads campaigns.

• Adobe Advertising Cloud: Provides AI capabilities to optimize ad delivery across multiple channels.

4. Content generation:

• Grammarly: Helps improve grammar and writing style in real-time using natural language processing techniques.

• Canva: Provides AI-assisted graphic design templates and tools to create visually appealing visual content.

5. Price optimization and demand forecasting:

• Dynamic Yield: Utilizes AI algorithms to optimize prices and make product recommendations based on customer behavior.

• IBM Planning Analytics: Enables demand forecasting and optimization of planning and resource allocation using AI and predictive analytics.

Important reminder: The choice of tools will depend on the specific needs of your company and your marketing goals. These are just some popular and widely used options, but there are many other tools available on the market that may better suit your particular context. It is important to research, compare, and test different solutions to find the one that best fits your needs.

AI offers tremendous potential for marketing managers, but navigating the overwhelming array of options can be challenging. By understanding the needs of your brand, seeking relevance and value, and measuring real impact, executives can make the most of AI without falling behind.

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